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SYNGENTA Banner Fairway

Provides effective prevention of Spring Dead Spot in broad acre turf situations such as fairways and sporting fields.

Active Constituent:

250g/L Propiconazole

Rate: 30mL- 60mL/100m2

Pack Size: 20L

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Spring Dead Spot (Leptosphaeria spp.), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa)

SYNGENTA Banner Maxx

A xylem systemic fungicide that protects against infection from a variety of turfgrass diseases.

Active Constituent:

155g/L Propiconazole

Rate: 50mL-100mL/100m2

Pack Size: 5L

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Anthracnose (Colletotrichium graminicola), Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Winter Fusarium or Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale),  Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi (ERI): Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella namari), Take-all Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis var avenae), Couchgrass Decline (Gaeumannomyces graminis var graminis)

SYNGENTA Daconil Weather Stik

A contact fungicide with improved wetting and dispersing agents to protect against turfgrass diseases.

Active Constituent:

720g/L Chlorothalonil

Rate: 130mL-240mL/100m2

Pack Size: 10L

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Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Winter Fusarium or Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale), Grey Leaf Spot (Pyricularia grisea)

SYNGENTA Headway Maxx

A dual systemic fungicide to control and protect against a broad spectrum of turfgrass diseases.

Active Constituent:

62g/L Azoxystrobin + 104g/L Propiconazole

Rate: 90mL/100m2

Pack Size: 5L

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Anthracnose (Colletotrichium graminicola), Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Grey Leaf Spot (Pyricularia grisea), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Red Thread (Laerisaria fuciformis), Winter Fusarium or Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale), Pythium spp., Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi (ERI): Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella namari), Take-all Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis var avenae), Couchgrass Decline (Gaeumannomyces graminis var graminis)

SYNGENTA Heritage Maxx

A systemic, preventative fungicide that moves upwards within the plant. Protects against a broad spectrum of diseases in a preventative program.

Active Constituent:

95g/L Azoxystrobin

Rate: 60mL/100m2

Pack Size: 1L, 5L

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Anthracnose (Colletotrichium graminicola), Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Grey Leaf Spot (Pyricularia grisea), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Red Thread (Laerisaria fuciformis), Winter Fusarium or Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale), Pythium spp., Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella namari)


A 3-way mix of active ingredients to reduce chemical resistance and protect against turfgrass diseases.

Active Constituent:

362g/L Chlorothalonil + 57g/L Propiconazole + 14.5g/L Fludioxonil

Rate: 180mL/100m2

Pack Size: 10L

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Anthracnose (Colletotrichium graminicola), Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Winter Fusarium or Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale)

SYNGENTA Medallion

A broad spectrum fungicide with enhanced rain-fastness for improved protection against hard to kill pathogens in the thatch and on the soil surface.


Active Constituent:

125g/L Fludioxonil

Rate: 30mL/100m2

Pack Size: 5L

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Anthracnose (Colletotrichium graminicola), Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Drechslera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Winter Fusarium or Microdochium Patch (Microdochium nivale)

SYNGENTA Posterity

A targeted SDHI fungicide that delivers excellent control of turfgrass diseases.


Active Constituent:

200g/L Pydiflumetofen

Rate: 5mL-10mL/100m2

Pack Size: 500mL

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Dollar Spot (Clarireedia homoeocarpa)  (formerly Sclerotinia homeocarpa)

SYNGENTA Subdue Maxx

A rapidly absorbed, systemic fungicide for the preventative and early curative control of diseases in turf.

Active Constituent:

240g/L Metalaxyl-M

Rate: 17mL-35mL/100m2

Pack Size: 1L

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Pythium spp.


A powerful broad spectrum fungicide that can be used all year round.

Active Constituent:

500g/Kg Penthiopyrad

Rate: 10g-15g/100m2

Pack Size: 500g

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Anthracnose (Colletotricum graminicola), Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani), Curvularia Leaf Spot (Curvularia spp.), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homeocarpa), Helminthosporium Disease (Bipolaris spp., Dreschlera spp. and Exserohilum spp.), Red Thread (Laetisaria fuciformis), Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella narmari), Fairy Ring (Basidiomycetes fungi)

Banner Maxx
Daconil Weather Stik
Headway Maxx
Heritage Maxx
Subdue Maxx
Banner Fairway


Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information on our products and services.

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