Warm Season Cultivars
PGG Wrightson Turf cultivars undergo rigorous testing procedures. The Warm Season selections are carefully designed to give you the best results. With breeding, evaluation and screening sites located throughout Australasia, we are able to source the most suitable genetic material to include in our cultivar range.
Argentine Bahia grass
Perennial spring, summer, autumn growing grass suited to tropical climates. Argentine has a high tolerance to acid soils. Argentine has a moderate frost tolerance and is suited to well-drained light textured soils.
Will grow and survive on low-fertility soils
Very competitive, good for weed control
Good shade tolerance
Very persistent
Best suited to tropical climates
Application Rate
Sowing rate 80 - 100 kg per hectare.
Pack Size: 25Kg

Pensacola Bahia grass
Perennial spring, summer and autumn growing grass suited to tropical climates. Pensacola has a high tolerance to acid soils. Poor frost tolerance and is suited to well-drained light textured soils.
Very drought tolerant
Very competitive, good for weed control
Good shade tolerance
Very persistent
Tolerant of heavy grazing pressure
Application Rate
Sowing rate 80 - 100 kg per hectare.
Pack Size: 25Kg

Bahia Grass
Bermuda Grass
TransContinental Bermuda grass
TransContinental seeded bermudagrass can be used in a wide variety of situations from sportsfields, parks, schools, home, commercial turf, roadsides and erosion control.
Excellent drought tolerance
Very good traffic tolerance and recovery
Improved winter survival over most seeded bermudagrass varieties
Quick spring green-up
Application Rate
Sowing rates for TransContinental are 10 - 15 g/m2 (100 - 150 kg/ha) for new sowings
Pack Size: 25Kg

Carpet Grass
Narrow Leaf Carpet Grass
Narrow-leaf carpet grass is a warm-season perennial, stoloniferous, short-spreading grass closely related to broadleaf carpet grass.
Establishes easily from seed
Low growing warm season turf grass forming dense sod and spreading by stolons
Narrow soft smooth blunt leaves
Useful as a low-maintenance utility lawn and for revegetation or erosion control
Well suited to the tropics and subtropics
Application Rate
Sow new seed at 8 – 12 g/m2 (80 - 120 kg/ha).
Pack Size: 25Kg

Centipede Grass
TifBlair™ Centipede grass
TifBlair™ centipede grass is a warm-season perennial variety that requires little maintenance. It is known as the “lazy man’s grass” because of its low growth habit and reduced mowing requirement.
Improved certified type
Very low maintenance cultivar
Very low fertility requirement
Drought tolerant
Exceptional seedling vigour
Quick ground cover with strong early root development
Excellent winter hardiness
Application Rate
TifBlair™ should be sown at 5 - 10 g/m2 (50 - 100 kg/ha)
Pack Size: 25Kg

Kikuyu Grass
Regal StayGreen® Kikuyu
Regal StayGreen® is a turf-type Kikuyu that has a darker green colour and finer leaf texture than vegetative Kikuyu. Regal StayGreen® is more cold tolerant than other warm-season grasses and retains its green colour better. It also withstands heat and drought well and is not susceptible to many of the common turf pests or diseases.
Dark green colour
Finer leaf texture
Heat and drought tolerant
More suited to turf than forage types
Good wear tolerance

Whittet Kikuyu
Whittet Kikuyu is a spring/summer/autumn growing grass suitable for lawns, fairways and sporting fields. Whittet shows rapid summer growth, good drought tolerance, suppression of undesirable weeds and is very responsive to nitrogen fertiliser.
Rapid summer growth
Drought tolerance
Suppression of undesirable weeds
Application Rate
Sowing rate and maintenance 40 - 60 kg/ha. Whittet can be sown from late spring/early summer until February.
Pack Size: 25Kg

Queensland Blue Couch
Queensland Blue couch
Queensland Blue Couch is used for revegetation in suitable climates. It has also been a long time and often used grass for Australian home lawns.
Fine to medium texture
Excellent salt tolerance
Herbicide sensitive
Medium shade tolerance
Frost sensitive, goes dormant through winter months
Application Rate
Sowing rate and maintenance Sow at 0.5 kg/100 m2. Maintain mowing height between 12 - 20 mm
Pack Size: 25Kg