Maintaining disease-free turf is one of the toughest challenges professional turf managers face in Australia's diverse and demanding climate. From the relentless attack of ectotrophic root-infecting fungi (ERI) to the unsightly damage caused by fairy ring and brown patch, turfgrass diseases can quickly jeopardise the health of golf courses, sports fields, and other premium green spaces.
To address these challenges, Clean Sweep Trio Fungicide delivers an innovative solution. With its unique tri-active formulation—combining 119g/L Thiophanate-methyl, 37.5g/L Fluazinam, and 36g/LTebuconazole—it provides comprehensive, multi-site protection against a broad spectrum of turfgrass diseases. Whether you're combating persistent root infections or safeguarding against foliar diseases, Clean Sweep Trio offers a robust combination of curative and preventative control, ensuring healthier, more resilient turf year-round.
Key Diseases Controlled
Clean Sweep Trio Fungicide Delivers effective control against a broad spectrum of turfgrass diseases including ERI (ectotrophic root-infecting fungi) and Fairy Ring diseases.

Tri-Active Control Technology for Turfgrass Protection
An industry first 3-way fungicide mixture that provides a multi-site solution offering robust curative and preventative protection.

Mode of Action: Tebuconazole Group 3 Fungicide
Tebuconazole is a systemic fungicide that is absorbed by roots and leaves, then moves upward through the plant in an acropetal manner.
Tebuconazole provides curative, protective, and eradicative activity against turfgrass fungi and belongs to Group 3 fungicides.
It controls turf pathogens by interfering with fungal membrane function.
As a DMI (demethylation inhibitor), tebuconazole disrupts the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an essential component of fungal cell membranes.
Mode of Action: Fluazinam Group 29 Fungicide
Fluazinam, part of the pyridinamine family, interferes with fungal energy production by inhibiting ATP synthesis, a critical molecule required for the physiological functions of fungal cells.
Fluazinam exhibits limited systemic activity but demonstrates strong protective and preventative properties. While its curative activity is less pronounced, research shows that repeated applications can provide effective curative control.
Fluazinam is the only fungicide registered for turf in FRAC group 29. It has no documented resistance and, as a multi-site contact fungicide, poses a very low risk of resistance development.
Fluazinam offers good soil activity with a soil half-life of up to 32 days.
Mode of Action: Thiophanate methyl Group 1 Fungicide
Thiophanate-methyl belongs to the benzimidazole class of fungicides. It is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide with both protective and curative properties, absorbed through the roots and leaves of turf.
Thiophanate-methyl is a tubulin inhibitor fungicide classified in FRAC Group 1.
Its mode of action involves inhibiting the assembly of microtubules.
Within plants and soil, thiophanate-methyl degrades into carbendazim and methyl. However, in mammals, it does not metabolize into carbendazim.

Trial Results with Clean Sweep Trio
Curative ERI Control
In a trial conducted on 328 Hybrid Couch in South East Queensland, Clean Sweep Trio demonstrated curative control of ERI. Applications were made monthly from December to March at a rate of 20L/ha.

Effective Fairy Ring Control
Clean Sweep Trio and an industry standard provided effective early curative control of Fairy Ring. 2 Applications of Clean Sweep Trio were made at varying rates 30 days apart to asses performance.
% Fairy Ring Activity

Solid Brown Patch Performance
In a trial conducted on Bentgrass greens, 2 applications of Clean Sweep Trio made 14 days apart has proven effective in controlling Brown Patch.
% Brown Patch Disease Presence on Bentgrass Golf Greens in Sydney

Good Helmo Curative Control
In a trial conducted on Kikuyu, control of Helmo was achieved with 2 applications of Clean Sweep Trio made 14 days apart.
% Helmo Disease Presence on Kikuyu Turf in Sydney

Efficient Dollar Spot Curative Performance
In trials conducted on Santa Ana Couch, the fungicidal activity of 1 application of Clean Sweep Trio on Dollar Spot has proven effective.
% Dollar Spot Disease Presence on Santa Ana Couch in Sydney

Application Tips to Maximise Performance
Leaf and Crown Diseases
eg. Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium, Anthracnose, Brown Patch
Application volume should be adequate to ensure thorough and even coverage of the turf leaves and penetration into the crowns. Ideal application volumes should be between 400 -800 L/ha.
For best results use coarse [Turbo Teejet* or AIXR Teejet* (11004 or 11005)] nozzles, at 5 km/h and 3 bar pressure.
In higher cut turf (>15 mm) a significant spray shielding effect can occur, impacting negatively on spray penetration and even coverage at low application volumes.
Good control requires good coverage. Application should be made in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage.
Root Infecting Diseases
eg. Fairy Ring, Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi (ERI), Brown Patch
Apply in a minimum of 1000 L water/ha using coarse [Turbo Teejet* or AIXR Teejet* (11004 or 11005)] nozzles, at 3-4 km/h and 3 bar pressure and irrigate within 1 hour of application to wash the productinto the upper root zone.
General Application Considerations
Make preventative applications when conditions are favourable for disease development. Make a second application 14-28 days later if conditions continue to favour disease development.
For early curative disease control, spray as soon as possible after first symptoms of disease activity are detected. Use rates towards the higher end of the range and shorten intervals to maximise control.
Avoid mowing treated area until turf or lawn is thoroughly dry, ideally allow 24 hours.
Active Ingredients: 119 g/L Thiophanate-methyl, 37.5 g/L Fluazinam, and 36 g/L Tebuconazole.
MOA Group: 3 | 29 | 1
Key Disease Controlled: Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium Disease, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Fairy Ring, Ectotrophic Root infecting Fungi (ERI) including Couchgrass Decline and Take All Patch
Application Rate: 12 - 20L / Ha
Pack Size: 5L
Please refer to the product label for full application details.
Contact you GTS Technical Field Agent for more information.