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PGGW Colosseum Rye Grass

Perrenial Ryegrass for winter sports grounds, golf tees, golf fairways and lawns with high wear.

Sowing rate: Lawns at 30-50g/m2 (300-500kg/ha). Use the higher seeding rate for faster establishment. In new sports fields and winter over-seeded couchgrass it should be sown at 400-500kg/ha.

Pack Size: 25kg

PGGW Colosseum Perennial Ryegrass Brochu

PGGW Duraturf Bolta Rye Grass Seed

Designed for oversowing kikuyu or couch racetracks to provide winter colour and growth and to protect the dormant Couch grass underneath.

Sowing rate: 150-200 kg/ha for the main oversowing, 100-150 kg/ha for top-up oversowings.

Pack size: Sold per kg

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PGGW Duraturf In the Rough Seed

Contains creeping red fescue and chewings fescue. Exceptional drought tolerance, low maintenance, low fertility requirement and aesthetic flowering seed head.

Sowing rate: 30-0 g/m (3-5 kg/100m)

Oversowing: 25-35 g/m (2.5-3.5 kg/100m)

Pack size: Sold per kg

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PGGW Duraturf Out Of Bounds Blend

Contains Hard Fescue, Sheeps Fescue and Creeping Fescue.

Sowing rate: 10-20 g/m2 (1-2kg/100m2). Use the lower rate for unmown areas.

Pack Size: 25kg

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PGGW Duraturf Parklands Blend

Contains Perrenial Ryegrass and Bermudagrass.

Sowing rate: 30-50 g/m2 (3-5 kg/100m2)


Oversowing: 25-35 g/m (2.5-3.5 kg/100m2)

Pack Size: 25kg

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PGGW Duraturf Premium Tee's Seed

Premium Tees is ideal for use in golf course tees and fairways. Also as an option for elite landscaping situations and any amenity turf area where a dark green premium turf cover is required.

Sowing rate: 30-50 g/m2 (3-5kg/100m2)

Oversowing: 25-35 g/m2 (2.5-3.5kg/100m2)

Pack size: Sold per kg

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PGGW Duraturf Sports Oval Ryegrass

Contains winteractive, hard wearing, turf type perrenial ryegrass.

Sowing rate: 30-50 g/m2 (3-5 kg/100m2)


Oversowing: 25-35 g/m2 (2.5-3.5 kg/100m2)

Pack Size: 25kg

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PGGW Furlong Race Track Blend

Provides rapid established, excellent persistence and attractive dark green foliage perrenial ryegrass.

Sowing rate: 150-200kg/ha. Use the higher rate for new construction and the lower rate for thickening existing sward.

Pack Size: 25kg

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PGGW Penncross Creeping Bentgrass

  • Strong seedling vigour

  • Aggressive growth

  • Good wear tolerance

  • Medium dark blueish green colour

  • Good dollar spot resistance

Sowing rate: For new turf applications sow at 5-6g/m2 (50-60kg/ha) and for overseeding of existing turf between 2.5-5g/m2 (25-50kg/ha).

Pack Size: 11.34kg

PGGW Penncross Creeping Bentgrass Brochu

PGGW Princess 77 Couch Seed

Princess Couch 77 has outstanding drought tolerance, great divot recovery and an attractive dark green colour. Its medium fine leaf texture makes it a great choice for sports fields, golf courses and amenity situations.

Sowing rate: Sow Princess 77 at 5-10g/m2 (50-100kg/ha) when sown alone, or at 2.5-5g/m2 (25-50kg/ha) for existing turf repairs.

Pack size: Sold per kg

PGGW Princess 77 Hybrid Bermudagrass Bro

PGGW Regal StayGreen® Kikuyu Seed

Has a darker green colour and finer leaf texture than vegetative kikuyu.

Sowing rate: The preferred sowing rate for Regal StayGreen® is 5-8 grams/m2 (50-80kg/ha).

Pack Size: 25kg

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PGGW Sahara Unhulled Couch

Compared to common couch, Sahara is more uniform, has increased density and improved summer green colour.

Sowing rate: For new turf applications sow 10-15g/m2 (100-150kg/ha). For repairing existing turf sow at 2.5-5g/m2 (25-50kg/ha).

Pack Size: 25kg

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PGGW Soprano Elite Perennial Ryegrass

Soprano is an attractive, very dark green, perennial ryegrass with outstanding density and fineness making it a great choice for lawns, golf courses, sports fields. Soprano has good resistance to summer diseases allowing it to maintain high quality in humid conditions over summer.

Sowing rate: Full sowing 4-5kgs/100m2 (400-500kgs/ha)


Oversowing: 3-3.5kgs/100m2 (300-350kgs/ha) into warm season grass

Pack size: Sold per kg

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Colosseum Rye Grass
Duraturf Bolta Rye Grass Seed
Duraturf In the Rough Seed
Duraturf Out Of Bounds Blend
Duraturf Parklands Blend
Duraturf Premium Tee's Seed
Duraturf Sports Oval Ryegrass
Furlong Race Track Blend
Penncross Creeping Bentgrass
Princess 77 Couch Seed
Regal StayGreen® Kikuyu Seed
Sahara Unhulled Couch
Soprano Elite Perennial Ryegrass


Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information on our products and services.

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