MoCa™ 5-0-5 is a foliar nutrient product that is part of Simplot’s GrowthPack® line. It contains a 5% concentration of nitrogen and potassium, along with the essential micronutrients calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. This nutrient blend is formulated to promote vigorous root and shoot growth in professional turf management.
Key benefits of MoCa, especially during stress cycles, include:
Boosting plant energy for growth and recovery
Promoting plant stress tolerance
Enhancing growth and plant development
Improving plant density, vigour and strength

Increasing plant energy for growth and development assists the turf in producing stronger root systems.
The MoCa Mode of Action
MoCa is a Photosynthetic Efficiency Enhancer

MoCa is applied to the turfgrass foliage and is absorbed by the plant. Once taken in, MoCa releases bound glucose inside the plant cells that drive essential functions such as respiration.
Releasing glucose provides a positive energy balance in the plant that is extremely beneficial during periods of high environmental stress conditions. Processes including root production are stimulated and enable the plant to tolerate stress.
Recommended Rates:
Apply 100 ml / 100 m2 every 14 days.
Allow at least 6 hours before/after the irrigation event for maximum benefits.
MoCa 5-0-5 Performance in Professional Turf Management
Field Trial Summary for Golf Course Maintenance
In a replicated golf course putting green field trial, MoCa 5-0-5 significantly improved the turf colour and quality over a standard fertiliser program of the untreated plots.
Plots treated with MoCa 5-0-5 maintained healthy colour and growth during periods of heat and drought stress while the untreated control continued to decline.
Plots treated with MoCa™ 5-0-5 also recovered from turf renovation practices quicker than the untreated plots.
A. MoCa 5-0-5 100mL/100m2 every 14 days
B. MoCa 5-0-5 200mL/100m2 every 28 days
C. Untreated

Monthly NDVI ratings showed that MoCa 5-0-5 significantly (p < 0.05) improved putting green colour and quality over the untreated control. While not statistically significant, on every rating date, best results appeared to be seen when MoCa was applied at lighter and more frequent rates (100 ml / 100 m2 every 14 days).

After applications were initiated , MoCa treatments every 14 - 30 days consistently improved turf colour and quality over the untreated control throughout the season. This was most obvious when the plots were subjected to periods of heat, drought and mechanical (aeration) stresses.
Post Aeration Recovery
During this trial, the turfgrass surface was aerated. An interesting observation post aeration was that the turf areas receiving MoCa treatment A (100mL/100m2 every 14 days) showed better recovery than the untreated areas.
Untreated turf - 5 days post aeration

If you would like more information on MoCa, or any other products available from Greenway Turf Solutions, please get in touch.
